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Initiative for an International Renewable Energy Agency

Energy Autonomy
Energy Autonomy.
The Economic, Social and Technological Case for Renewable Energy. Earthscan/James & James, December 2006.

Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future
Feed-In Tariffs - Boosting Energy for our Future. A guide to one of the world's best environmental policies. World Future Council brochure, June 2007.


WCREWCRE paper, August, 2001

All people are entitled to pursue their desires for a world that is increasing in its bounty, improving in its health, and growing in its capacity to host life. Each person might wish that his or her presence on this Earth will leave it slightly better off than before. Yet the economic progress of the 20th century, based on fossil fuels and nuclear and large-scale hydro power, while advancing human society in many ways, also created a rising threat to those principles.

Why a World Council for Renewable Energy? (pdf) Why a World Council for Renewable Energy? (pdf)